Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nandigram again

News about clashes started pouring in from Nandigram again. The Panchayat poll day is looming near and there were reports of sporadic incidents in the recent past. As desired and predicted by the free media, the violence has intensified now. The harmad CPM force are attacking the simple and peaceful but immensely anti-CPM villagers of Nandigram, scaring them to ensure that they either vote for CPM or remains housed in the polling day. The tortured villagers were inspired by the extensive support they received from M. K. Gandhi’s grandson, the Governor of Bengal, and decided to remain nonviolent.

The Governor is so worried about the suffering of the common man due to the seasonal power cuts that he has wisely decided to take a two hour break from the uninterrupted power supply at Raj Bhavan and suffer in the dark just like the common man sitting in his imperial palace. The darkness will also help him to think deeply about Nandigram again and deliver a perfect media exclusive at the right moment.

The charming Lady of the Land, for obvious reasons, now cannot only concentrate on Nandigram alone but is sending regular bites to the mass through the unbiased media. She had masterminded various genuine sensations earlier and with the novel company of the one and only Marxists were busy planting highbred seeds of the similar kind in Nandigram. Lots of brainstorming has been done in the past months, to keep Nandigram alive till the Panchayat polls. The scope to capture the minds of the distressed people was partly achieved during those turbulent days. But public memory is short. They should be refreshed timely.

And for the Sushil Samaj, Nandigram clashes are as always inspiriting. Lots of creative poem and prose, theatre, documentary film and cinema, song and music are ready to explode in the coming days. Their only sadness is that the spectator and audiences are the same old and known faces.